Dienstglas 6X30 Ddx Serial Numbers
The Germans realized that some of their equipment would be captured by their enemies during the war, and they didn't want to tell the Allies which factories to bomb. Some of their early war stuff, in fact, actually had the maker's name and location. To prevent their vital factories from being bombed, they switched over to a three letter code using small letters for all of their factory designations.
10x50 Dienstglas blc prod No 20938; 10x50 Dienstglas rln prod No 100272; 10x50 CZJ prod No 2307297 -1945; 10x50 Dienstglas cxn prod No 397898 10 x 50 Dienstglas blc - Carl Zeiss Jena 1943 - Production number 20938 The binocular was manufactured in 1943, by Carl Zeiss Jena as the production number indicates. There is also a number printed on the right side, but I suppose it's a military serial number, or parts number. These binos are not dust- and waterproof the way modern binos are, and they don't have any antireflective coating. Jul 11, 2009 I've got the same pair and the serial number is about 17,000 off, 249109. Any idea as to how old they are? Side is made of aluminum and the other side is made of steel. Good example of wartime demand for steel. Mine are marked Dienstglas 6x30 334790 ddx. 6x30 Dienstglas cxn made almost entirely of brown. Mine are marked Dienstglas 6x30 334790 ddx. Ive also included a pic of a pair thats not too far off from mine. Ive been looking for a leather neckstrap and a rubber eye cup cover for it.
Mine are a lighter color of brown. Has anyone ever seen a case for these? They are to big to go in the standard 6x30 case, either leather or bakelite. I've got 8 sets of binos, most 6x30, but also 7x50, the 7x56s and 10x50. 2 pr ar Eagle M marked.
This package weighs 2 pounds. International bidders are welcome. We combine shipping charges. Insurance will we available at the end of auction.
(one of which is cracked, anyone have a replacement set?) Great optics, Lietz has a longtime reputation for quality optics. Jeff Last edited by ditch68; at 03:52 PM. Heres some I got from my grandfathers friend. His friend was in north africa and said he took these off of a dead german sargent. The optics are clear.and suposidly they had the neck strap and rubber eye cover on it.but my dad used to play with them growing up so along the way they got lost. Interesting thing is that one complete side is made of aluminum and the other side is made of steel. Good example of wartime demand for steel.
Doppelfernrohr - (Dienstglas 6 x 30 Service Glasses) The German army used an extensive variety of optical equipment during the war, items such as the 6 x 30 power binoculars (6 power magnification with a 30mm diameter objective lens) were one of the most common types seen since they were the standard issue field optics utilized by all branches of service. These are generally encountered in a black painted finish and were typically constructed from zinc and aluminium alloy metal. Late war (post 1943) manufactured glasses came in an ordnance tan paint finish often fitted with moulded brown Bakelite fittings and some encountered were manufactured entirely from Bakelite.
I can e-mail pics to anyone who can post them. I also have a set of the long binos like bob u.
But what makes them interesting is clear evidence of shrapnel splinters entering the body and bouncing around inside. There is still some trapped inside. The binos function perfectly, though!
(No, it didn't work.) 'beh' was the three letter code for Ernst Leitz GmbH, located in Wetzlar, Germany. 'GmbH' is another of those German abbreviations meaning 'company,' or 'incorporated.' Anyway your binoculars were made by Ernst Leitz.
I rescued it from an aunt who was using it to chop firewood. Unfortunately I ruined it by painting the scabbard black. I've tried to get an edge on it but can't. My dad said that the Gurkhas could get them sharp enough to slice paperLook forward to your reply, Geoff.
I have a pair of Dienstglas marked binoculars- Right hand side markings- Dienstglas 6X30 7588 M H/6400 Left hand side markings- Eagle with swastika and the letter M below Oigee Berlin Binoculars are Black with a textured plastic coating. The optics are very good and the right hand Reticle is present. General condition is quite battered, no case, strap is broken and left hand eye piece is cracked.
This can apply to models with either the grid or rarer L-shaped style reticule pattern. This grid pattern feature is used for ranging using lines graduated at 10 mil intervals where the H/6400 is a common artillery scale used by the Wehrmacht where the ‘H’ stands for Heer. Also pictured is the Gestell 31 tripod, battery box, rain / sun shields and the spanner / screwdriver.
Hey ditch, get that pouch from Ray and you can have the binocs LOL! Here is my latest set.
In the R36 this calculation is worked out with a very complicated internal mechanical computer which reads out the data using dials and a split overlaid image reticule seen through the view finder which the viewer matches up and reads off the scale the distance to target. However to do this the operator must have extremely good eye sight to accomplish this accurately so candidates must be evaluated for suitability first.
EUR 24,64 3 Offerte Sold, EUR 16,80 Spedizione Venditore: (876) 100%, Luogo in cui si trova l'oggetto: Carlisle, Spedizione verso: GB e molti altri paes, Numero oggetto: 23 An old pair of military issue binoculars with an old serial number that may even predate World War 2. I am informed that these were made by Voigtlander & Sohne. Photos clearly show the rough state they are in. Lots of restoration needed. Condition: Used, Type: Binoculars, Application: Military, Max. Magnification: 6x, Brand: ZEISS Vedi Altro.
The 10 x 50 power binoculars were produced by assorted optical firms in three minor variants with the main difference being in the angle alignment of the prism and ocular lenses with a twenty degree angle pattern, a forty-five degree angle pattern and eighty degree angle pattern. This set is stamped 'blc', indicating that they were manufactured by Carl Zeiss.
Leitz, Wetzlar 6x30 Dienstglas binos with the H/6400 markings. Aluminum objective, leather grip, and bakelite eyecups.
Midwar (late 1943-early 1944) Voightlander 6x30. (ddx) These are right before the switch to the dunkelgelb ordinance tan finished binos for ddx. They also have the 'Kaltfest' cold weather lubricant, notated by the triangle. I cleaned them a little, and lightened the markings.
The binos function perfectly, though! I have to wonder if someone was wearing these on their chest when it happened. If the binos got these two splinters, I doubt he fared very well.
How do you use the rangefinder? It takes some background and training, but it isn't hard, and field practice definitely helps. The soldier learns that at a given distance, certain known objects will have a certain width or height. For instance, an adult human of average size will fill the distance between two lines at say maybe 100 feet, and will fill 1/4 of the distance between those same two lines when he is 600 meters away. (Those are just numbers I've made up - I don't know what the real ones are.) 10x50 binoculars are much larger than those usually issued to the troops, which were generally 6x35's. These were used for special spotting of some kind.
These Rangefinders using this coincidence theory work on the known principal of triangulation were by knowing the distance between two points which we call the base line (i.e. The two objective lens being 1000mm apart in the device) and the angle of these two points relative to the target, one can work out the distance by using trigonometry.
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THunter, great binos. And better yet, a story. Most people assume the 'gelb' tan paint to be desert or Afrika Korps, but we know it is just a later war generic ordinance tan paint finish found on many pieces of German equipment late in the war, but your set is clearly attributable to the DAK. Great gear, guys.

The bodies had some aluminum oxide, they cleaned up nicely. All aluminum, they are my lightest pair. Note no leatherette coverings on the bodies, just black paint. Also, the wide bakelite eyecups.
I have to wonder if someone was wearing these on their chest when it happened. If the binos got these two splinters, I doubt he fared very well. The entry of the shrapnel is consistent with them being on a strap on the chest.who knows. Sparks the imagination, for sure. JeffThanks Jeff!