Ac Delco Car Battery Serial Number

The serial number of the battery is 476848. I don't mind buying a new battery for the car but if I can get one free. It is an AC Delco battery. I understand that AC Delco encodes the month of manufacturing a car battery using two digits and encodes the year by one digit. The battery I just purchased, for example, is labeled P124R, which, IIUC, means that it was made in December 2014. AC Delco manufactures car batteries for automobiles. The batteries come with a warranty that guarantees their operation for an amount of time after the date of manufacture. To help you figure out if your battery is still under warranty, AC Delco prints the date of manufacture on the battery.
Export and Wholesale orders can be shipped throughout the U.S. To a commercial address. ACDELCO BATTERIES ARE HAZARDOUS AND CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED BY TRUCK, NOT UPS OR POST OFFICE. To find the closest retailer go to or call 1800-ACDELCO.
Oct 01, 2011 .
AC-Delco Advantage Series The ACDelco Advantage Series car, truck, and marine batteries are economical, reliable, sealed, and maintenance free. The terminal design on the Advantage series line provides resistance to acid leaks, seepage, corrosion and black post, allowing the terminal posts to stay clean and corrosion-free on the shelf. They are monitored with dozens of quality-control checks to help provide ACDelco quality you expect, envelope separators are designed to help eliminate shorting and “corrode-through” to improve reliability and battery life, large reservoirs above the plates provide ample electrolyte reserve for maintenance-free performance. In addition, both positive and negative grids are lead/calcium alloy to maximize corrosion resistance, increase cycle life and reduce water consumption to improve battery durability. AC Delco batteries must be kept in an upright position. Although the batteries have sealed covers and are maintenance free, it is possible for electrolyte to escape through the vent holes if the batteries are turned on their sides or tops.
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ACDelco batteries are available for in-store pickup or local delivery only. Export and Wholesale orders can be shipped throughout the U.S. To a commercial address.
> > Battery Warranty Battery Warranty WARRANTY INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE IS TO BE USED AS A GUIDELINE ONLY. You will need to verify the warranty printed on the battery label with a service professional. If you suspect that your battery is not functioning properly: Try taking your vehicle to an authorized ACDelco Independent Service Centre. The experts there can identify the specific cause of the problem.
• First character: either a P or S. • Next two digits: is the month (ex. 10 = October) • Third digit: is the year (ex. 4 is 2014) • Fourth digit: indicates the manufacturing plant. N = New Brunswick) For batteries manufactured from 2010 onward, the digit that indicates that year begins back at 0 for 2010, and 1 for 2011.
For complete catalogue details, please take a look at the. ACDelco POWERSPORT (Includes ATV & Motorcycle) Battery Limited Warranty This is for reference only, please verify the warranty printed on the battery label with a service professional. For Purchases on or after 10/1/2014: ACDelco, General Motors, warrants to the original retail purchaser a new replacement Powersport battery for 12 months from date of purchase (12 months free replacement) when used in a personal Powersport application. Original sales receipt is required for warranty of a Powersports batteries. ACDelco Voyager Battery Limited Warranty This is for reference only, please verify the warranty printed on the battery label with a service professional. The ACDelco Voyager battery is warranted by ACDelco, General Motors Company, to the original retail purchaser for 18 months from the date of purchase when used in Marine/ RV applications. Should the battery fail to hold a charge due to a defect in material or workmanship during the Standard Warranty period, it will be replaced at no charge with a new ACDelco battery of comparable performance.
A liquid cadmium battery additive that was added into the electrolyte so it boosted the batterys' power and mechanical life in some cases over 150%.he taught me which battery types to stay away from.interstae was on the top of that list.his reason, they used recycled lead plates in new cases and sold them as new batteries. Dec 24, 2013 . AC Delco Relay - Starter relay Part Number: AC158733 Manufacturer Number: 15-8733 $36.64 List Price: $43.24 Save: $6.60 • BESTSELLER • Low Price Guarantee • In Stock AC DELCO STARTER RELAY -- A high quality, OE replacement starter relay.
Where can I find a warranty-covered replacement battery? Visit to find a local ACDelco Distributor or Service Centre, who will be able to assist you with your battery. Reading Date Codes How do I read the warranty date code on my battery? All ACDelco Professional series, Advantage, 60-series, and Voyager/Marine batteries have a date code printed on the battery label.
They can assist with date code reading and based on the specific part number may also have an idea on the approximate range of years since the specific part number was released. ACDelco continues to add part numbers to their battery line up and a local parts supplier may know a timeframe when a specific part number was released.
For example, if the battery label code reads P 042C, this battery was made in April 2012 in Anaheim, CA. Be cautious when looking at the label! When looking at your battery to determine the date – ensure you are looking at the correct code.
• Type: Starter relay • Product Fit: OE replacement • Quantity Sold: Sold individually • Anticipated Ship Out Time: 2-3 business days • Warranty: Lifetime AC Delco limited warranty Your vehicle has a starter relay that could cause that problem. But it could be the starter/solenoid also. Oct 01, 2011 .
تحميل لعبة inazuma eleven strikers pc مضغوطة برابط واحد كاملة طريقة تحميل لعبة inazuma eleven strikers pc للكمبيوتر انزازوما: سوف تجد في لهذه اللعبة الجميلة اكثر من رابط تحميل, بامكانك الحصول على روابط التحميل من خلال الضغط على رابط التحميل المباشر الموجود في اسفل هذه الصفحة, فقط قم بالضغط على الروابط الموجودة في اسفل هذه الصفحة وبعد ذلك سوف تنتقل الى صفحة تحويل خاصة بموقعنا قم باختيار احد روابط التحميل اما ان تاخد الرابط الاول او تقوم بتحميل مستند نصي من الرابط الثاني يحتوي على اكثر روابط لتحميل اللعبة مقسمة مرفوعة على موقع ميجا. تحميل لعبة inazuma eleven strikers pc مضغوطة برابط واحد كاملة تحميل لعبة inazuma eleven strikers الجديدة كاملة للكمبيوتر برابط واحد أخر إصدار, إلى جانب أن هذه اللعبة الرائعة تستطيع أن توفر للمستخدمين مجموعة من المنافسين الأشداء, مما يجعل لعبة كرة القدم أكثر قوة من الالعاب الأخرى, إلى جانب أنها تتوفر بحجم صغير على الإنترنت, لكي يتمكن جميع المستخدمين تحميلها من الإنترنت بدون مواجهة مشاكل بإذن الله, بالإضافة إلى أنها تتميز بأنها سهلة جداً في اللعب, أي يمكن التحكم باللاعب بالضغط على الأسهم الموجودة على لوحة المفاتيح, و إطلاق الكرة بالضغط على A, x, f هكذا اينازوما. تحميل لعبة inazuma eleven strikers pc مضغوطة برابط واحد اينازوما كاملة تحميل لعبة inazuma eleven strikers pc للكمبيوتر مضغوطة برابط واحد اينازوما اليفن سترايك كاملة: تحميل لعبة اينازوما كاملة مجانا من ميديا فاير للكمبيوتر, اليوم سوف نقدم لعبة كرة القدم الشهيرة التي إستطاعت أن تحتل قلوب الكثير من المشجعين لكرة القدم القوية, حيث تتميز لعبة كرة القدم inazuma eleven strikers بكثرة البطولات التي تنظمها لجميع المستخدمين و التي من خلالها سوف يتمكن مستخدمين أجهزة الكمبيوتر من منافسة الأصدقاء و تحديهم بدون مشاكل. Play game inazuma eleven.
The following prefixes were used up to serial number 7000: Prefix Model Number Prefix Model Number A 303 K Old 1250 B 301 (1,000 watt) C 304 L Old 1278 D 302 T Old 600 G Engines Only No Prefix 850. Serial numbers arranged alphabetically by prefix. January 1, 1922 to July 1, 1931 - No Prefixes From January 1, 1922 to July 1, 1931 (serial numbers 150,000 to 355,100) all plants were numbered consecutively as they left the factory – regardless of the model number of the light plant. It is impossible to identify the model number of a Delco-Light plant from these serial numbers. Serial numbers had to be referenced to the distributor’s card file of owners or to the Delco-Light General Office in Detroit to determine the model number. To my knowledge, from conversations with the General Motors Heritage Center and Kettering Archives, these records have been lost.
This Warranty Does Not Cover (All Batteries): • Discharged batteries that can be recharged and returned to service. • Cost for recharging or use of rental batteries or vehicles. • Labor costs for battery removal and installation.
Oct 01, 2011 .
ACDelco PROFESSIONAL Series (P, PS and PG) Battery Limited Warranty Launched 3/1/2012 This is for reference only, please verify the warranty printed on the battery label with a service professional. ACDelco, General Motors Company, warrants to the original retail purchaser a new replacement Professional battery for 18, 30 and 42 months (depending on the series) from the date of purchase when used in private passenger car and light truck applications. You will find the No Charge Warranty period listed below: Battery Series Total Months of Warranted Service Standard Warranty (No Charge Period) Professional P 18 18 Professional PS 30 30 Professional PG 42 42 ACDelco PROFESSIONAL Series (AGM) Battery Limited Warranty Launched 3/1/2012 This is for reference only, please verify the warranty printed on the battery label with a service professional. ACDelco, General Motors Company, warrants to the original retail purchaser a new replacement Professional battery for 36 months (depending on the part number) from the date of purchase when used in private passenger car and light truck applications. You will find the No Charge Warranty period listed below: AGM Battery Part Number Total Months of Warranted Service Standard Warranty (No Charge Period) 34AGM, 47AGM, 48AGM, 49AGM, 65AGM, 78AGM, 94AGM, LN1AGM, AUX12 36 Months 36 Months ACDelco Advantage Battery Free Replacement Warranty This is for reference only, please verify the warranty printed on the battery label with a service professional. ACDelco, General Motors Company, warrants to the original retail purchaser a new replacement Advantage battery for 18 and 12 months (depending on battery type) from the date of purchase when used in private passenger car and light-truck applications. ACDelco Advantage Battery Free Replacement Warranty Information.