Rod Ellis The Study Of Second Language Acquisition Pdf Printer
It was concer n broad ly with how es de&eloped the ability to communicate in L2 and + and / acuired the ability to perform a single language function (reuests). 'nother issue concerns what it means to say tha t a lear ner has 1acu ired - a fea ture of tar get langu age. Th ere is ano the r pro blem in determining whether learners ha&e 1acuired- a particular feature. It point out that the learners made considerable use of fixed expressions or formulas. ' third problem in trying to measure whether 1acuisiton- has ta%en place concerns learners- o&eruse of linguistic forms.!L' researchers recognie the need to in&estigate how the relationship between form and function in learners- ouput compares with that of nati&e spea%ers. The two case studies set out how to describe how learners- use of an L2 changes o&er time and what this shows about the nature of their%nowledge of the L2. #ne finding is that learners ma%e errors of different%inds.